Orff Schulwerk Philosophy


Composer Carl Orff (d. 1982) and his associate Gunild Keetman evolved the basic texts for the Schulwerk as models for teachers worldwide. Now translated into eighteen languages, Orff Schulwerk is based on the traditional music and folklore of each country where it is used. At present, more than 10,000 teachers in the United States have found the Schulwerk the ideal way to present the magic of music to their students.

  • Communication

  • Listening to directions 

  • Following directions 

  • Learning to take turns 

  • Develop verbalization and speech inflection 

  • Provide an opportunity for exploration of the environment 

  • Develop and encourage coordination in body movement

  • To motivate individual, by helping to channel extrinsic stimuli to intrinsic stimuli 

  • To provide an acceptable outlet for tension 

  • Provide a successful, positive musical experience 

  • To have freedom, fun and enjoyment 

  • Increase voluntary participation 

  • Increase independent functioning 

  • Self identification

Orff Training

Intensive, three-level Orff Schulwerk training courses help to prepare teachers and therapists for the challenge of developing music programs adapted to the needs of their students.
